Blitz Bowl Is Amazing


Blitz Bowl Ultimate Edition

Season 2

Nurgle vs Black Orcs



Get ready for another season of Blitz Bowl Ultimate Edition!


That’s right, worlds best Blitz Bowl players are bringing you the best Blitz Bowl games ever played. Today we have the stinky, dirty, gross Nurgle team vs the hyper violent, large, and most likely also very stink and dirty Black Orcs.

Check out the Blitz Bowl Ultimate Edition battle game below:


God I love playing Blitz Bowl Ultimate Edition.

So the orcs used are from Games Workshop’s range. Normally, I play with some mini’s from Brutefun Miniattures but a little while ago I found a set of the official Black Orc on eBay for about $15 and I said screw it. Originally, I didn’t like the Black Orc design but after trying my best to paint it in a new and fun way, I like em. I’ve been waiting a good long while to give them a play and this was a great first game for them.

I hope you like the game.

Have a great day!





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Bernardo Español

Hi I'm Bernardo Español. I'm a guy with way too much energy and not enough free time.

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