Cute of the Day

Swiss Mountain PuppyThere’s something about the black, brown and white coloration on dogs that I love. These Swiss Mountain puppies are no exception. I’m not sure how long it must take to walk these puppies but I can only imagine it would take a couple hours! At least it doesn’t seem like the puppies need a very long walk. After all the excitement of going down the steps, they mostly seem tuckered out from a short walk. One of my favorite parts? 0:51 where they put the puppies in the little bags the parents carry. Ridiculously cute.

Jasmine Greene

Jasmine Greene has been a freelance writer for over four years with experience in video game, book and movie reviews. She lives in Manhattan. Nardio is her second of hopefully many (successful) web ventures. When she is not working as an executive assistant or at Nardio, Jasmine volunteers at Kitty Kind so that she can get her crazy cat lady on.

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