Shih Tzu and RottweilerToday’s cute of the day is this patient Rottweiler and hyper Shih Tzu. I’m not sure if the Shih Tzu actually is in love with the Rottweiler or if it just sees the big dog as a one huge toy. Maybe a bit of both? The Rottweiler doesn’t seem to mind the attention at least. I have to say, I love the fact that the Rottweiler is wearing a little bow. It makes it look like he’s the Shih Tzu’s present.

Jasmine Greene

Jasmine Greene has been a freelance writer for over four years with experience in video game, book and movie reviews. She lives in Manhattan. Nardio is her second of hopefully many (successful) web ventures. When she is not working as an executive assistant or at Nardio, Jasmine volunteers at Kitty Kind so that she can get her crazy cat lady on.

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