Nardio Cosplay Adventures


Zaku Cosplay Interview @Otakon


I am unbelievably excited to FINALLY debut an amazing cosplay interview I did a while back at the ALWAYS sensational Otakon. During that hella busy weekend I felt like I was swarmed by one amazing cosplay after another and another and another and right when I needed to take a break I come across one of my fave Gundam models/dream cosplays and my jaw dropped.

Yes, an actual in person, perfectly done and amazingly amazing Zaku cosplay from the Gundam universe.


I loved it and I loved shooting it because it meant that I was able to take it all in. O my god guys this Zaku cosplay was just perfect. The proportions were what they should have been and his movement wasn’t bad at all. All in all this is the sort of cosplay I go to cons to experience in person.


Yea, so this guy was pure awesome so I had to beg for an interview. Thankfully he said yes!


Check out some more pics from our quick shoot below:


Once again a huge thank you to the AMAZING staff at Otakon for allowing us to cover the event and meet your wonderful community. It’s always a pleasure to attend your events. We seriously love your con.

Of course we need to also thank Anthony for taking the time to speak with us. Dude, you are amazing and your work is sensational. It was a pleasure to meet and chat with you. I hope to see a lot more of your work in the future.


Be sure to follow Anthony as well as Otakon at the links below:


Anthony’s Instagram

Otakon Website

Otakon on X

Otakon Instagram



Bernardo Español

Hi I'm Bernardo Español. I'm a guy with way too much energy and not enough free time.

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