The Nardio Review


Zie Invades Earth

Is Zie Invades Earth Worth Your Time?



What Should I Play Zie Invades Earth On?

Zie Invades Earth is a universal app for iOS 5.1.1 or later and Android. You get the same great experience on all devices.  As always I prefer playing on the iPad.


What Did We Think Without Spoiling It?

Sometimes you just want a simple game that you can pick up and enjoy for about a minute or so. Zie Invades Earth is a perfect short burst game that is enjoyable enough you can find yourself playing for ten to fifteen minute stretches. Maxing everything out and collecting all the costumes is a fun goal.

Zie Invades Earth is a simple game. It’s more of a mini game than a fully-fledged one with simple controls, fun gameplay and an adorable retro art style. Zie Invades Earth is free, but you can choose to buy out of the ads. The ads never interfere with gameplay. The choice is never forced on you. I bought out of the ads because I am a huge fan of the developer ever since the amazing Jack n Jill.

Zie has three levels of candy stealing to conquer.  It also has unlockable costumes and even character upgrades. I actually beat all three levels without realizing there were upgrades all the while complaining to myself, “Wow I wish this game had upgrades…”  I of course felt like an idiot when I realized they were, in fact, there.

Zie Invades Earth is the type of simple game that warms my heart and brings a smile to my face. What’s the point of the game? Stealing candy from babies. That’s it. You are an invader who goes to earth whose nefarious scheme is to take kids candy. It’s brilliant. I think you should definitely check this game out if you want a simple game that works for short bursts of play.

Don't mind me. Just an ordinary devil next to your child.

Don’t mind me. Just an ordinary devil next to your child.

How it Plays and Why it Works:



First off I love the minimalist design. Zie is animated wonderfully. S/he(its) movements are great and the reaction to getting the candy always puts a smirk on my face.  The costumes are great. When hiding from the humans, I love that you are either invisible or in some ridiculous costume. My personal fave is the Satan costume. Yep, nothing says just ignore the stranger like some huge man in a Satan getup next to your child.  There are also character upgrades that you can use to make candy stealing like…well, stealing candy from a baby.

From art design to sound to solid controls, I cannot think of anything wrong with Zie Invades Earth at all. The best part is that it’s free and there are no forced in-app purchases. The currency used to buy costumes and upgrade yourself is really easy to get.  This is just a fun game and I wholeheartedly recommended you try.  I also recommend supporting the developer and buying out of the ads.

Check out the developer’s other game Jack n Jill.



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Basic Info:

  • Free with ads
  • Remove ads for .99 cents
  • 6.2   MB
  • Universal app




Developer: Rohan Narang

Zie Invades Earth on iTunes

Zie Invades Earth on Google Play




Bernardo Español

Hi I'm Bernardo Español. I'm a guy with way too much energy and not enough free time.

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