Nardio Cat invasion
I’m hijacking cute of the day from Jasmine today!
I’ve just recently come over to the cat side. As such I discovered I have a thing for Maine Coons. Something about them is just awesome. As Jasmine slowly teaches me the ways of the crazy cat person I find myself watching more and more cat videos. I swear at first she had to force me.
Diva and Brandy here are just too ridiculously cute for me to really deal with. I don’t know if I could handle owning the two of them, but I’m sure Jasmine would be more than up for it. But seriously, O my God do those two seem like a handful! Please enjoy the video below!
Now for the interesting news!
Recently we decided to adopted an older Maine Coon mix cat from the New York City Animal Control. It just seemed like the right thing to do. I have to say the process of finding and adopting a cat took way longer than I thought it would. As a non-cat person, at times I was overwhelmed by everything I needed to know, look for, and ask. Also during a majority of the search and final adoption process Jasmine was actually out of the country being an awesome travel blogger.
I have decided to write about some of my experiences throughout the process and also show off plenty of pictures of my awesome cat. Don’t worry, we will still be doing many more app, book, movie, and restaurant reviews. We also have some awesome Interesting Interviews on the way as well. I just found that I haven’t found many stories on the internet about people getting cats and not having the slightest idea how to take care of and deal with them. Sure I have Jasmine around to help, but often times I’m just overwhelmed.
Stories and more pics coming soon!

Say hi to: Cat Bowie Español