Today’s cute of the day are these adorable bobcat kittens. There was a story not too long ago where a man took in a kitten from off the street. When he brought it to a vet, it turned out to be a bobcat kitten! Naturally, he had to give it over to a wildlife sanctuary, but it probably would’ve taken me a week or so to actually bring it to the vet’s in the first place. They’re so adorably fuzzy and cute, especially with the stubby little tail.

Jasmine Greene

Jasmine Greene has been a freelance writer for over four years with experience in video game, book and movie reviews. She lives in Manhattan. Nardio is her second of hopefully many (successful) web ventures. When she is not working as an executive assistant or at Nardio, Jasmine volunteers at Kitty Kind so that she can get her crazy cat lady on.

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