The Nardio Review

So really, why am I here?
Is SoL: Stone of Life Worth Your Time?
What Should I Play It On?
SoL: Stone of Life is a universal app for the iOS 5.0 or later. You get the same great experience on all devices, but I prefer playing on the iPad.
What Did You Think Without Spoiling It?
This is going to sound weird, but I am over fifty levels into Stone of Life and I have no idea what is going on. The plot doesn’t really makes sense, but I don’t care. I keep getting ordered around to different places with no one is telling me anything useful, but instead of being frustrated I find it funny. Don’t come into Stone of Life expecting a deep story. Instead expect a darn fun game that has a story just to tie things together…sort of. Stone of Life is a role playing game with randomized loot and wonderfully addicting action packed gameplay. The randomized loot will having you farming dungeons over and over again with the promise of something that can last you ten levels or just get you through the next instance. Best of all SoL: Stone of Life is free with no forced in app purchases! You can spend weeks playing this without spending a dime or feel that you are being punished because you aren’t paying in. I wholeheartedly recommend supporting this developer with in app purchases.

Boss Fight!
How it Plays and Why it Works:
The controls are tight and the gameplay is very intuitive and fun. SoL: Stone of Life’s difficulty ramps up at a good pace. At first I was honestly frustrated by the lack of story going on, but after a while it just became sort of an in-game trope. After giving up actually understanding what is going on, I just let myself focus on leveling, gem crafting, farming and putting together the strongest weapon sets possible.
Enemies here are pushovers at first, but as time passes you have to deal with enemies having different strengths and weaknesses to elemental magic. A fire weapon that used to be uber powerful in the beginning of an instance might be almost useless for the boss. So be sure to have different elemental weapons on hand to storm through levels. Getting those weapons will require farming instances and repeatedly shopping at vendors, whose wares are also randomized. Better gear can also be found in challenge instances and arenas. Some of the best gear you will find in the game is totally free given out for holiday events. My Halloween mask is so powerful that I still have it equipped. The stat bonuses on these legendary items are insane. As far as the touch and swipe controls are concerned, everything works and feels intuitive. With continuing free content updates, tons of instances, and the promise of some epic story to be told I cannot praise this game enough. I’m 53 levels in and I love this game.
The fact that SoL: Stone of Life is totally free blows my mind. In case you are worried about the special currency of gems don’t. Stone of Life regularly gives them to you with loot boxes, and you get a free gem every three hours just by logging in. Right now there is an in game event where you get 2 gems every 2 hours. This makes buying bag space and item bonuses very easy. I already bought some extra gems to get extra bag space just to support Oddy Arts.
Download this game if you love action role playing games and randomized loot.
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I sort of wish there was more story going on in the game, but maybe I’ll get more of it by level 100 or so…
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Basic Info:
- Free on iOS
- 43.2 MB
- Four job classes
- Continuing developer updates and fixes
- In App purchases
- Universal app
- Rated 9+
Developer: Oddy Arts