The Nardio Review

How to Smooch
Is Stellar Smooch Worth Your Time?
What Should I Play Stellar Smooch On?
Stellar Smooch is a universal app for iOS 5.0 or later. You get the same great experience on all devices. As always I prefer playing on the iPad.
What Did We Think Without Spoiling It?
Stellar Smooch is a simple and fun game every iOS gamer should try. It’s a simple game concept that just requires you to get two objects to come together and smooch. It’s incredibly simple, with makes it a great gateway app to get new people into touch screen devices and gaming.
This needs to be installed on every iOS device at Apple retail stores.
How it Plays and Why it Works:

To cute!
Stellar Smooch has simple and accurate controls that never let you down. It’s perfectly tuned gameplay gets harder as you go along, but never gets so hard that you want to give up. Best of all Stellar Smooch is a relatively short game so you can quickly finish it and feel a fun sense of accomplishment. Then go back and replay it.
Steller Smooch really shines thanks to its wonderful music and game design. From the hand drawn look of the art assets, to the lovely story being told, the experience of Stellar Smooch cannot be understated. Best of all, the wonderful music will stick with you long after you finish playing. In fact, after beating it I found myself humming the tune. This, of course, made me go back several times to replay the game and smile.
Stellar Smooch is a wonderful intro game for anyone looking to get people into tablet/phone gaming. It’s simple, fast and easy to pick up. Best of all Stellar Smooch is totally free and has no ads. So this is basically a must have game with no downsides.
Get this!
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Basic Info:
- FREE!!!
- NO ADS!!!
- 22.8 MB
- Universal app
- CUTE!!!!
Developer: Alec Thomson
Game design: Jenny Jiao Hsia