Nardio You Tube Spotlight


I love Hearthstone. Ever since I was lucky enough to test it out on beta I was shocked at how simple the core mechanics are and yet how complex the game can get at the same time. If you build your deck just right and have great luck with the cards you can pull off some amazing stuff.

A player with the nick name HysteriA has been posting some amazing Hearthstone Videos and I’ve rounded up a few of my favorites.

Hysteria red.fixedThe first one shows off some surprising Hearthstone mechanics.

This next one by HysteriA makes use of the new Naxxramas cards and some Shamanism thrown in for good measure.

Here is another Naxxramas-Shaman combo that just scares the heck out of me. Why? Because I have lost many a match thanks to great Leroy Jenkins plays. If this happened to me I’d be in tears. Sad, awe struck tears of hatred and envy. I still haven’t gotten my Leroy card yet…

Van Cleef is an interesting card that while seemingly weak, can turn into a monster. Oddly it’s never been used effectively on me. But it shines on Youtube. HysteriA creates one of the most epic single turns I have ever seen played.

The last video I’m going to show is between two of the classes I hate the most. Warriors and Priests. I hate them. I hate them lots. Here HysteriA makes use of both classes mechanics and fun times happen.

Thank you very much HysteriA for providing us with so much entertainment.

If you would like to see HysteriA do more crazy things with Hearthstone click here.




Bernardo Español

Hi I'm Bernardo Español. I'm a guy with way too much energy and not enough free time.

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