The Nardio Review


Mikey Hooks costumes

Mikey is back!

Is it worth your time?


Read our exclusive interview with BeaverTap Games.


What should I play it on?

Mikey Hooks is an universal app for iOS 4.3 and later. You get the same great experience with all devices. As always, I prefer gaming on my iPad. I prefer it, but that didn’t stop me from installing this on my iPhone and playing non-stop whenever I was outside.

Whatever you can get it on just get it.


What did you think without spoiling it?

Mikey Hooks Screen Shot

Like riding a bike.

If you are a fan of  quality platformers and or speed running games you need this.

Buy this. Mikey Hooks has the near impossible job of following up one of the greatest platformers I have ever played, Mikey Shorts.  Mikey Hooks delivers and brings more to the table…Hooks

Mikey Hooks has the best Spiderman gameplay I have seen yet on the iOS.In addition to tough platforming you also have to swing your way through stages. It works perfectly. It is weird getting used to it at first but soon it becomes second nature. Thanks to the rock solid controls you never miss a beat once you have it down.

The gameplay is fast and many times more difficult than the original. Get ready to die. Don’t worry though, it’s not painfully difficult or cheap, it’s just not what you are used to when playing Mikey Shorts. The new hearts system adds tons of tension to the game, but is still forgiving. This is a good beginner game to those new to platformers.  Don’t worry though, classic gamers who want a challenge and a fun game will find more than their fill here with the speed running and racing.

There is a single in-app purchase that is totally optional. Personally I recommend it for parents who are looking to give their kids the sequel to the game they already know and love. Sure they can cut their teeth on the regular version, but the option to turn on extra hearts might be good for those lil’ tikes who aren’t used to the challenging gameplay. There are also other bonus feature for the in-app purchase, but again it’s totally optional and BeaverTap Games never beats you over the head trying to sell it.

I recommend supporting BeaverTap Games with the in-app purchase.


How does it play?

Mikey Hooks Control

Seriously the tightest controls on glass.

So perfect it shocks me that I’m not hitting buttons and a directional pad. BeaverTap Games once again embarrasses most other gaming companies with it’s perfect controls. Hardcore platforming can be done on the iOS and Mikey Shorts and Hooks are proof.

As usual the art is simple and crisp and the music is perfect for the game. The levels themselves aren’t very long, but they ramp up the difficulty gloriously.  On my first run through of the game I didn’t focus too much on the speed running aspect of the game. Granted there is something about playing a Mikey game that just makes me want to rush through it. It’s best to just take it slow your first time and get used to the level design, hook mechanic and the smooth platforming fun.

With two meaty game modes and more content coming soon, you won’t be putting this game down for a good long while.



Why it works:

Platforming done right.

Platforming done right.

Mikey Hooks is a wonderful platformer that will please young and old gamers alike. If Mikey Shorts was a good intro to platforming and speed running, then Mikey Hooks is the very next game you want to give someone new to the genre. Mikey Hooks was released without a single bug and runs totally smooth on my iPhone and iPad.  As fast as this game gets that is perfect. Let’s not forget the boatload of unlockable fun costumes.

MIkey Hooks picThe Race Mode could have been its own game, and I would have gladly paid .99 cents for it. Those ghost bots really give you a run for your money and you are really going to have to try your best to come in first. I am really glad that BeaverTap Games has made it clear that they are going to add even more races soon.

The Story Mode has a good amount of level that get harder over time but never feels cheap. Getting three stars will be your new goal in life after you finish the game. I really wish there was more of a story, but  I really did enjoy the way it was told. The ending has me very, very curious for what BeaverTap Games has in store for us.


No like?

Why hasn’t BeaverTap Games been put in charge of bringing Castlevania to the iOS? Seriously!  As perfect as the two Mikey games have been Konami better be calling these guys up pronto!



Basic Info:

  • Price: $1.99
  • Continuing developer updates and support
  • 32.1  MB
  • 1 player game.
  • Story Mode with 24 Levels
  • Race mode with 12 levels and more planed
  • iCloud Support
  • Retina Display
  • Great replay value.
  • Universal App


Web links:

Developer Website:

Apple App Store:




Bernardo Español

Hi I'm Bernardo Español. I'm a guy with way too much energy and not enough free time.

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