Worth Your Time on Amazon Prime

 a perfect match

Is It Worth Your Time?

Not really. A Perfect Match is a take it or leave it kind of movie. You won’t be missing out on much if you don’t watch it.


What Should I Watch it On?

A Perfect Match is a romantic comedy so you don’t really need to bother with the HD.


What Did You Think Without Spoiling It?

The story could have been so much better. The guy that the main character, Hyo-jin, falls in love with is kind of a jerk throughout the movie and her friends suck! Seriously, this girl needs better girlfriends who she can confide in. Even her childhood friend is a total loser. Also, there must be some kind of cultural barrier because everyone is telling Hyo-jin that she has eyebrows like a single girl. What does that mean? Untrimmed, I guess? They looked totally fine to me.


Why it Works?

I like the character of Hyo-jin. The actress who portrayed her Shin Eun-Kyung, is pretty, but not manufactured. Well at least not in A Perfect Match. She’s the most relatable of all the characters. She’s smart, hard-working and super clumsy, which makes her even more charming in my book. Sadly, that’s all this movie has going for it.


No Like?

Seriously, could her friends be anymore annoying? No one is rooting for her to find love. Instead, one of the friends gets pissed when some one finds happiness. The other is a complete ditz and the other is a raging alcoholic. Hyo-jin’s best friend seems like a loser of epic proportions who is in love with her but doesn’t want to admit it. The male love interest seems completely disinterested in Hyo-jin, so much so I don’t really see the chemistry between them. I couldn’t root for Hyo-jin because I really didn’t want her and the guy together. The movie itself seemed broken up in a weird way. There was a strange section in the middle of the movie that shows the videos of the people who are members of the dating agency. This took me out of the movie and confused me. I was left wondering why the heck they decided to show it then instead of at the beginning of the movie, where it would have made more sense. The rest of the storytelling isn’t any better.


In Conclusion:

The storytelling kind of sucks and the majority of the characters are unlikable. The only thing that held it together was Shin Eun-Kyung portrayal of Hyo-jin. She nailed her character, and it’s unfortunate that the other actors couldn’t follow suit.

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Basic Info

Jasmine Greene

Jasmine Greene has been a freelance writer for over four years with experience in video game, book and movie reviews. She lives in Manhattan. Nardio is her second of hopefully many (successful) web ventures. When she is not working as an executive assistant or at Nardio, Jasmine volunteers at Kitty Kind so that she can get her crazy cat lady on.

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