What’s Hot at Redbox

 Magic Mike

Is It Worth Your Time

Yes. It might be a bit more fun for the ladies, but guys can enjoy Magic Mike as well.


What Should I Watch It On?

For the best viewing experience, you should definitely watch Magic Mike on Blu-ray. There’s no point in watching a movie about strippers if you can’t see all the sweaty bodies in detail. Am I right?


What Did You Think Without Spoiling It?

This may just seem like it’s eye candy for girls and hey, who are we kidding? It’s a movie about strippers so you get to see plenty of shirtless men parading around the screen in nothing but thongs. There is a story here and it’s not a bad one. There’s a good mixture of comedy and drama in Magic Mike, which keeps the movie going at a good pace. Also, the movie is inspired by Channing Tatum’s personal experience as a stripper. Yes, Tatum used to strip for a living.


Why it Works?

Eye candy aside, there’s an actual plot here. You can really see that Tatum’s character wants so much more than a life of stripping, but is trapped in a vicious cycle due to the fact that he has no line of credit, poor mistakes and overall a naivety about him. Yes, even though the man has been a stripper for 6 years, he somehow manages to come off as…innocent. You can see that he wants a real relationship and friends, but he’s surrounded by people who don’t give a crap and have no qualms taking advantage of him. As with all movies, all his prior choices all come to head and you can’t help but feel bad. And that’s the great part about the movie. This isn’t just some shallow, empty movie where the only saving grace are the half-naked men. It has characters that you, surprisingly, can relate to. Magic Mike does a good job of blending the raunchy lifestyle of male strippers with a moral.


No Like

I wasn’t really too keen on Tatum’s love interest, they just didn’t have romantic chemistry at all. I was kind of hoping that they would just be really good friends. Other than that though, I really enjoyed the movie.


In Closing

Magic Mike is a movie with a lot of heart and humor. You can’t help but relate to Mike and his struggles. It’s definitely worth a rental.

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Basic Info

Jasmine Greene

Jasmine Greene has been a freelance writer for over four years with experience in video game, book and movie reviews. She lives in Manhattan. Nardio is her second of hopefully many (successful) web ventures. When she is not working as an executive assistant or at Nardio, Jasmine volunteers at Kitty Kind so that she can get her crazy cat lady on.

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