Shut up and take my money to make this a real sequel show.
Adi Shankar & Joseph Khan have delivered the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers sequel of my dreams. It’s a 12 minute short, but thats really all that was needed.
I always thought this universe was set to be way darker than the TV shows made them out to be. A dystopian future in this world seems very much inevitable when giant robots fight over major cities and intergalactic threats pop up every year.
The first video below has Adi explaining why he did the reboot they way he did in a frank and hilarious way. The second video is the uncensored short movie. When you are done please go to Adi’s channel to like and subscribe to his amazing work.
I cannot praise this movie enough. The re-imagined costumes, the perfect casting, and the constant shout outs to the shows & the people who acted in them is just perfect.