Nardio Quick and Delicious

Garlic Broccoli Pizza Bread

I love love LOVE those frozen French Bread pizzas. Something about it is just ten times tastier than the standard pizza. The problem, though, is that the frozen stuff tends to be expensive and also the portions are kind of small. Plus it’s super easy to make your own Pizza Bread at home with delicious ingredients. If you’re one of those people that are always short on time, this Pizza Bread should take you no longer than 30 minutes with prep and cook time. I suggest making a lot because then you can just wrap it up in aluminum foil and freeze the rest for those days you’re too lazy to cook. I know I’ve had several of those days. Aside from how quickly and easily you can make this, one of my favorite things is that you won’t be wasting as much food. If you have broccoli in your fridge, you probably tend to cook with just the broccoli tops and discard the stems. For this recipe, we ask that you keep those stems and use a mandolin to get nice thin slices. The flavor of broccoli stem is kind of nutty and could almost be mistaken for artichoke.

Garlic Broccoli Pizza Bread Ingredients

All the ingredients you’ll ever need


  • 4 Italian bread loafs
  • 1 Bottle of Pasta Sauce, any kind except Ragu
  • 4 cloves of garlic thinly sliced
  • 1/4 cup of basil leaves
  • Two broccoli stems thinly sliced
  • 6 oz. shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1 Tbs. Olive oil
Garlic Broccoli Pizza Bread pre-cooked

Pre-delicious goodness


  1. Pre-heat oven to 425°F
  2. Cut each loaf in half crosswise.
  3. Spread pasta sauce on cut sides.
  4. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese evenly over the sauce.
  5. Evenly distribute sliced broccoli stem, garlic and basil over the cheese.
  6. Evenly drizzle the top of each pizza with a little bit of olive oil
  7. Place all loaves on baking sheets and put into oven.
  8. Cook for 12-15 minutes or until the cheese is completely melted.
  9. Top with favored pizza spices like: red chili peppers, salt, pepper or oregano.
  10. Enjoy!

WARNING: It might be tempting, but please wait a bit for the pizza bread to cool before taking a bite. Otherwise you’ll likely burn your tongue. Om Nom Worgen is in agony because he was a little too eager.

Soooo Hoooot!

Jasmine Greene

Jasmine Greene has been a freelance writer for over four years with experience in video game, book and movie reviews. She lives in Manhattan. Nardio is her second of hopefully many (successful) web ventures. When she is not working as an executive assistant or at Nardio, Jasmine volunteers at Kitty Kind so that she can get her crazy cat lady on.

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