Category: Features

Bit Bit Blocks Review

Bit Bit Blocks is an amazing matching puzzle game by Greg Batha that needs to be on your iOS device. Find out why inside and then get this game!

target number

Target Number Review

If you’re searching for a new math puzzle game Target Number might be the game for you! Read inside to find out what works in this Android game.

Asgard Run Review

Asgard run for iOS is a refreshing take on the endless runner that is insanely addictive. Unfortunately the developer has designed in big problems.

Mechalarum Review

Mechalarum is an interesting Sci-Fi novel that has a good story tell, but stumbles along the way. Wanna know if it’s worth your time? Read more inside!

Neon Drive Review

Neon Drive by Fraoula is a weird take on endless runners and racing games. We didn’t particularly care for it, but it is available for iOS. Read more inside

Squareboy vs Bullies Preview

Checking out Rohan Narang’s newest game before it’s even out yet: Squareboy vs Bullies. A retro beat-em-up with solid controls for iOS and Android coming soon.